"Do not mistake me for some conjurer of cheap tricks!"
- Gandalf the Gray
"A trick is something a hooker does for money... or candy."
- Gob Bluth
"What can my wizard do when they're out of spells?" It's a common question when playing old-style D&D, and it's been addressed dozens of times. "Tricks" are my attempt at an answer. It's not an especially original answer. They're pretty much Edition 3+ cantrips in all but name, but I wanted to make them even less tactically useful in order to keep that OSR flavor. Zot! Is the only trick with a direct combat application. It's moderately less effective than a sling, and only slightly better than a thrown dagger. “Rods/Staves/Wands” is typically one of the easier saves for opponents to make, so it's not going to replace your MU's flaming oil flasks. Still, it lets your low-level MU feel all wizardly by zapping kobolds with their wand.
Tricks are minor magical invocations, typically learned by aspiring spellcasters early in their apprenticeship. They are usually forgotten or ignored by the time they become a full-fledged Magic User. Tricks are only known by Magic Users, Illusionists (from the Advanced book), and Necromancers (from the optional class). A 1st level spellcaster knows a number of Tricks equal to their Intelligence bonus +1 (to a minimum of 0), determined randomly, by the player, or by the referee. Once chosen, the character cannot change the Tricks they know. The spellcaster adds another Trick at 5h level, and another at 9th.
Once cast, a Trick does not leave the spellcaster's memory! They may perform the Trick repeatedly throughout the day. All tricks require the spellcaster to have a wand or staff in hand, and the caster must chant and gesticulate as with any other spell.
1) Zot! (MU only)
Range 30'. A small jolt of arcane energy. Target must save vs wands or take 1d4 damage.
2) Kindle
Instantly create a small flame at the end of your wand or staff, enough to light a candle, pipe, fireplace, etc.
3) Open
Open an unlocked door, lid, or hatch you can see within 30'
4) Snail
Summon a fist-sized snail for 1 round per level. Appears in your hand and follows your commands.
5) Skull (necromancer only)
A mindless, ghostly skull floats around your shoulders for 1 round per level.
6) Leitmotif (illusionist only)
Your personal theme song plays around you at conversational volume for 1 round per level.
7) Candle
Your wand or staff produces a 5' radius of soft light. Lasts 1 turn or until you cast another spell or trick.
8) Wash
Cleans 1 dish, cup, or utensil within 10' to acceptable quality.
9) Scribble
Write a message upon a surface in softly glowing letters, up to INT words. Lasts 1 turn.
10) Confetti
Conjoure a handful of colorful paper shreds up 30' away. Optionally accompanied by kazoo fanfare.