The Khamsa Society headed off to
Centralia to hunt down Kevin Branch, wannabe cultist. Vinnie’s player was sick,
so he stayed home and minded the store, literally. (As a pawn-broker, Vinnie
Morg is the only PC with an actual day job.)
The PCs for this session:
- Bernadette "Bunny" Kennedy (Tough/Bodyguard)--A former circus strong woman who turned to occult investigation "just like the old gypsy lady said."
- Abigail Spencer (Tough/Reporter)--Former YouTube star and ghost hunter.
- Lucian Stone (Scholar/Programmer)--A hacker who lives and breathes the occult sites of the Deep Web. An occult Alex Jones.

Lucian disables the security cameras while Abigail knocks on Kevin’s door. “Room service!” she calls. Of course, a motel like this doesn’t have room service, and Abigail clearly meant “housekeeping,” but what’s done is done. Kevin opens the door, holding a large gun mere inches from Abigail’s face. “Did Chase send you? I’m not going back!”
Thankfully, Bunny is unusually eloquent
this session. “Ashley sent us! She’s worried about you. Chase is dead!” she
says. This revelation softens Kevin up a bit, but he’s still cautious. He makes
the PCs all show him their inner arm, to prove they don’t bear the Bleak Sigil
of The House of Broken Glass. Convinced they aren’t cultists, Kevin lets the
PCs into his room.
Kevin’s clearly been living
rough. He has a duffel bag full of clothes and a new burner phone. He’s growing
out his beard and he shaved his head, burning all the hair. “So they can’t use
it to work magic on me. “
The investigators are totally
open with Kevin, telling him all about the events at the Old Penderghast House—how
Ashley is safe, all the others are dead, and Chase’s plans to open the Way were
In return, Kevin tell them everything he knows about the cult:
- Kevin met Chase and Amber about a year ago at a concert. He got Kevin and some other peopleinto the occult, telling them that it was the path to some “real truths.”
- Chase answered to some other people—powerful, moneyed people, not shlubs like us. Chase wanted these peoples’ respect. This cult is called The Rite of The Gray Truth.
- Chase stole a book from somewhere in Yakima. He was going to use the info found in the book to bind Penderghast’s Walker Between and gain prestige with the cult.
- Kevin had been dating Ashley for about three months, and Chase never liked her. When Kevin found out Chase was going to sacrifice her (along with Logan and Mackenzie), it was too much for Kevin. He decided to get out of town and get away from the cult.
- Before he left town, he went to Chase’s apartment, stole the book, and bugged out of town.
“Chase’s bosses, they were on to something big. Chase wanted to be a part of
Kevin shows the investigators the
book, pulling it out of a large duffel bag. The book is the size of a couch
cushion, and almost 600 years old. Lucian and Abigail recognize it as The Rheinholdt Manuscript. This is an
infamous book among magical circles. Supposedly it’s the memoirs of an immortal
creature known only as “Rheinholdt,” alternately referred to in the text as a
vampire, a sorcerer, or a wight. It is considered one of the greatest books of
occult history and lore. It is also said to be dreadfully cursed. Still, any
cult or occultist would gladly kill to possess it. Kevin gladly hands it over
to the PCs.
It’s at that moment that the investigators
hear someone shouting outside. “Kevin! Come
out Kevin!”
![]() |
"Dagh-Othyg-Zoag!" |
“Oh shit! They found me!” Kevin
panics. Lucian and Abigail immediately tip over the bed mattress and use it to
black the window. There’s no back exit, so Bunny heads to the bathroom and
begins to smash a hole through the wall with
a crowbar, to make a path to the adjoining hotel room.
Lucian and Abigail hear a
horrible noise outside--arcane chanting followed by strangled gurgling and the
sound of tearing meat. A few moments later, some
hideous thing of raw muscle and ropey tendons breaks through the window and
claws its way through the mattress.
Some Hideous Thing of
Raw Muscle and Ropey Tendons
(Stalker, Ravenous)
Ascending AC: 13
HD: 4; hp: 25
Morale: 9
Save: 12+
Skill: +3
Move: 50’
Madness: 1d10
Attacks: Claws x2 (+5 to hit, 1d8 damage)
Special: If both claw attacks hit a single target, that target must make an Evasion Save. If the save fails, the monster bites their head off.
Special: If both claw attacks hit a single target, that target must make an Evasion Save. If the save fails, the monster bites their head off.
About that time, Bunny has busted tough the wall, disrupting
a naked old couple, who are not happy to see the strongwoman and have a shotgun
to prove it. “ISIS! They’re here!” Bunny shouts.
“I always knew it would come to this,” says the naked old
man, pulling on his MAGA hat and letting Bunny through as he prepares to defend
the hotel himself.
Back in Kevin’s room, Lucian lobs on of his pre-made Molotov
cocktails at the monster, setting it, the mattress, and the whole room on
fire. This buys Lucian, Abigail, and
Kevin enough time to follow Bunny through her self-made escape route (which I
totally failed to call a Bunny Hole.)
The entire hotel
building is well and truly on fire at this point, and the party separates
on the balcony, trying to draw the cult gunmen apart. Hotel residents are
running all over the place in a panic. Lucian runs towards one set of stairs,
trying to make it to the parking lot and is cut off by a gunman running around
the corner. Lucian, brave brave Lucian, lobs another Molotov at the cultist,
putting a nice wall of fire between them, then leaps over the balcony railing,
hoping for the best.
The scrawny hacker bounces off the hood of a car and rolls
to the ground, hurt but alive. He tries to scrabble to cover behind the car. Unfortunately,
the cult gunman sees him and opens fire. Lucian is hit and goes down bad.
On the other side of the hotel, Bunny, Abigail, and Kevin
are running for their car. Another gunman rounds the corner but Abigail quickly
puts him down with her own gun. (Abigail’s player: “After a year of D&D and
swords, it’s kind of fun just to blast a guy with a Glock!”) It’s clearly self-defense,
so no Madness this time around!
Bunny and Abigail spot the leader of the gunmen, the guy
with the mirror mask. He’s carrying an AR-15 like he knows how to use it. Panicked
hotel residents are still running around everywhere, and the gunman calmly
rifle-butts them in the skulls as he bears down on Kevin. He doesn’t seem to
notice the PCs. Suddenly the hideous thing of raw muscle and ropey
tendons leaps from the top of the building and pins Kevin to the ground. It
makes a noise like the cracking of a hundred knuckles in a metal closet before tearing Kevin’s neck
The cult gunmen and their pet monster seem focused on Kevin, the PCs
didn’t really like the boy that much, so Bunny and Abigail get in their car and
burn rubber. They slow down enough to grab the unconscious Lucian and head for
the hospital.
In Abigail’s car, Bunny is barely able to stabilize Lucian before they
get to the hospital. Abigail opts to stay in the hospital parking lot while Bunny
checks their friend into the ER. Sadly, Lucian’s wounds are too severe, and he’s
not going to pull through. While Bunny waits inside through the night, Abigail
spots a familiar and ominous black SUV drive by the hospital, slowing down as it
passes her car before speeding away. The snow finally stops, as though the SUV
is talking the weather with them.
The failed recovery rolls for Lucian indicated that he will die in three
weeks. Rather than wait that long, Lucian’s player rolled up a new character
right now. Lucian remains comatose, awaiting his inevitable demise.
The investigators return to Seattle to plot their next move and meet up with Glen Gerhardt (Scholar/Programmer), an associate of Lucian’s and another gray-hat hacktivist. The team decides to check out Chase’s apartment, where Kevin stole the (already stolen) Rhienholdt Manuscript. Chase lived at the Three Pines Apartment Complex with three roommates. It’s the kind of cheap, cruddy apartments that caters to students and low-income 20-somethings (I’ve lived in several myself).
The investigators return to Seattle to plot their next move and meet up with Glen Gerhardt (Scholar/Programmer), an associate of Lucian’s and another gray-hat hacktivist. The team decides to check out Chase’s apartment, where Kevin stole the (already stolen) Rhienholdt Manuscript. Chase lived at the Three Pines Apartment Complex with three roommates. It’s the kind of cheap, cruddy apartments that caters to students and low-income 20-somethings (I’ve lived in several myself).
As the investigators approach Chase’s apartment around noon, they see that
the door is open—busted in, actually. Bunny creeps up to take a listen. She can
smell blood and death inside and hears two or three people shuffling around, as
well as the sound of someone chopping meat.
“Hank,” says a voice inside, “what are you doing in there?”
“Shoot, Geeezer,” says another voice. “It’s good meat, I ain’t gonna’ let it go to waste.”
Yeah, the PCs don’t want to deal with that, so they beat it back outside and drive across the street to the laundromat.
“Shoot, Geeezer,” says another voice. “It’s good meat, I ain’t gonna’ let it go to waste.”
Yeah, the PCs don’t want to deal with that, so they beat it back outside and drive across the street to the laundromat.
“Why don’t we just call the police on this one?” asks Bunny. Everyine pauses to think. “Yeah,
why don’t we?” The investigators call
the police and leave an anonymous tip about a murder. Then they hunker down,
turn on their police band radio, watch and wait.
After a few minutes, a cop car pulls into the apartment parking lot, and
two officers enter the complex. Over the radio, the PCs hear the police
discover the dead bodies of a couple of young people, the the sounds of
gunfire! Moments later, two people run out of the complex carrying a third
person between them. The two are a man and a woman in Mossy Oak camo and
wearing ballistic vests. Both carry big knives, pistols, and the woman is
limping. Between them, they carry another man, similarly dressed. He’s clearly
been shot. They dump him into the back of their pick-up and peel out of the
parking lot. The PCs follow them, using Abigail’s careful pursuit driving
skills. (A sticker on the back of the truck reads “The only thing that can stop
a bad man with a gun is an even badder man with a gun.”)
The truck quickly heads east out of town. Glen does some quick research
on his smartphone and finds out the truck is registered in Yakima, exactly the
direction they are travelling. Next week we pick up in Yakima.
A lot of action, a little levity, and not a lot of madness this session.
Cultists are a lot easier to deal with that spatially-distorted haunted houses
and occult beasts. The relatively mundane cultists were easier for me to make interesting
than I thought. The move and counter-move semi-plot of different factions and
NPCs harkened back to a lot of the World of Darkness games I used to run all
those years ago. As for using real-life cities as settings, Wikipedia and
tourist sites give me just enough bits of flavor that I can make the places
feel believable while still having enough room to add some fictional weirdness.
This campaign is starting to come together!
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